ELP Virtual Instructional Coach Pool
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Minnesota VICS
Minnesota VICS
I just might be the most supportive and entertaining curmudgeon that you ever get to work with.
Middle School
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Supporting new educators is a passion of mine. I have seen too many good, hard-working people struggle and encounter avoidable hardships. There are plenty of inherent challenges in teaching, but I want to help each person I work with find the path that helps them as an individual with unique talents. Our profession is only getting more challenging. The preparation, professional development, and demands often don't match the reality of what we need to do to support our students and ourselves. We need to retain good people who can become high-quality educators. My role as a coach allows me to support teachers as human beings first. I want to help each individual who I coach to feel good about themselves personally and professionally. Teaching can be a great career, but we need to stop throwing people in the deep end and teaching them just to tread water.
My Approach to Motivation
Trust is the biggest part of working together to find motivation. Before I can even consider making a plan with someone, I need to establish a trusting relationship with the individual whom I am coaching. Once that is in place, we can identify goals that are truly important and break those down into manageable, actionable steps. The school year and the school days can quickly become overwhelming to all of us. Having a clear plan to anchor you, and someone to support you in pushing towards your personal and professional goals, can help make a much clearer path.
My goal is to listen carefully, and then provide meaningful feedback and practical advice that can be immediately helpful for the mentee.
High School
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is important to me because I truly believe that educators are happier and grow more when they feel heard and are able to reflect with a colleague. Teaching can sometimes feel very isolating, and it often takes real effort to reach out for support. It also takes courage to be vulnerable about one’s practice or to be honest when things may not be going perfectly. A coach/mentee relationship is a safe place to discuss concerns and be vulnerable with someone who is there to support you in finding solutions or just listening. When I began teaching, I did not have a mentor and I remember how difficult it was and how alone I often felt. I have seen so many teachers early in their careers decide to leave the profession, and I believe if they had been able to find a more supportive community of educators to lean on, they might have stayed. Finally, I consider it a professional obligation to help support new teachers, as I will be retiring in the next 10 years and I want to be sure that the next generation feels fully prepared to take my place!
My Approach to Motivation
I think it’s important to start by being an active listener helping a mentee to feel heard, and also to recognize the many challenges of teaching. As a coach, I think it can be motivational to help new teacher see their strengths, focus on the things that are going well, and help them feel good about their progress. I’m not a fan of being positive no matter what, so I try to be honest and realistic about what’s happening and then focus on constructive support. I find it most helpful to be solution-oriented during a meeting so that the teacher has some concrete and specific ideas to take away which may be immediately useful and helpful. Finally, I think it’s important to talk about ways to find balance and healthy boundaries in this very demanding profession so that we may have the energy and motivation to continue our important work.
Compassionate and Caring Coach Constantly Communicating, Cheering, and Challenging (for Change).
Middle/High School
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is important to me because teaching is a super hard profession right now and teachers need as much support as they can get. I love the education world, but know that many teachers are struggling for various reasons so I am hoping that I can encourage, motivate, and support someone to help them be better teachers for their students. Additionally, teachers' mental health is greatly affected by this job so I want to make sure teachers are okay so they can be the best version of themselves and have a work/life balance. I also have had the opportunity to have great coaches so I want to pay it forward with my knowledge and experience to help retain qualified teachers and uplift spirits. I am truly passionate about Literacy! I believe that coaching can have a very positive impact on the teaching world and I’m excited to use my Cognitive Coaching skills as a Teacher Leader.
My Approach to Motivation
I approach motivation as a coach by developing a relationship so that my mentee feels like I can be trusted and they can be vulnerable in our conversations. Being honest and open is the starting place for change. Also, finding something in common and finding a way to connect is important. I also motivate by acknowledging things that the educator is already doing well and focusing on those positives which can then open the door for constructive feedback on areas that may need growth. Using my knowledge, and experience and asking purposeful questions to get them to reflect on their practice helps internally develop what the mentee needs. And laughter and treats never hurt:) Regular check-in’s, and supportive notes/texts/emails are ways to support and motivate teachers with positivity so they feel seen and valued.
A reflective, organized and knowledgeable coach with an awesome sense of humor!
Elementary/Middle/High School Reading Intervention
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is vitally important to me. In most of my educational career, I have not had a coach or mentor to support and guide me. I had to figure out many things the hard way - on my own. Bouncing ideas off of another caring professional, one who had already “been there”, would have given me the courage to take some risks and implement new ideas. I believe it would have been more comforting to reflect on my mistakes with another who may have made them as well and yet moved on to become a better teacher and person. A trusting relationship with another more experienced teacher could have helped me achieve a more balanced life during those first years. Even now, balance is a struggle yet crucial for my own well-being and the well-being of my students. We can become so focused and overwhelmed by the many things we need to accomplish and our neverending to-do lists that we lose our effectiveness and more importantly, ourselves. We need balance to become successful teachers. I believe coaching can help teachers develop the skills, attributes, and balance to be successful and happy in this rewarding field for a lifetime.
My Approach to Motivation
Motivation in teaching can be fickle. At the beginning of the school year, we are full of energy, enthusiasm, and hope. Sadly, that motivational high tends to wane as the weeks move on and the reality of the challenges we face sets in. As a mentor, I would remind my mentees of the skills and talents they already possess. We do not come into the classroom as empty vessels. We have talents, skills, and innate abilities we bring to this profession that we might forget about when the challenges seem insurmountable. I would recognize and remind those I mentor of their gifts. I would instill confidence in them. In addition, I would support teachers in building any additional skills they will need to become successful in the classroom. Through nonjudgmental listening, questioning, and offering alternative options when needed, I would assist teachers in the development of skills they will need to stay in teaching for the long haul. Finally and possibly most importantly, I would celebrate the many victories, however small, that come with teaching. Small wins can grow into bigger achievements and make a difference not only to my mentees but to the students they teach.
I will actively listen, support you, cheer you on, and help you grow in your practice and confidence
Middle/High School
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is important to me because it is a way to unlock the coachee's own knowledge, expertise, and potential. Most of the time when we are feeling stuck or overwhelmed, we just need to have a think partner to talk things over with in order to find the best solution and course of action to follow in order to create success. A strong coach poses questions to help the person being coached tap into their own strengths and bring them forward. Also, a coach is able to recognize when someone is truly struggling and is lacking in the knowledge or tools of how to move forward. In these times, it is important for the coach to move out of the coaching role and into more of a mentor by offering ideas and resources that will be helpful for the situation. In the end, the person being coached should be able to see their growth throughout the process, and in the end, have strong feelings of efficacy and craftsmanship as they continue through their teaching career.
My Approach to Motivation
Motivation as a coach comes from showing the person being coached their specific strengths and helping them uncover their beliefs and values. Everything we do as teachers is based on our passions and the things we value. Understanding are own underlying motivations helps us to focus on what is most important to us and can reframe what we are doing and why. Seeing the positive changes and results is our own biggest motivator and is what keeps us going whether someone is watching or not. We are all in it for the kids and seeing our positive impacts on the students is our biggest motivator of all.
I am involved, engaged, and committed to guiding you towards best practices that spark an interest in learning within your students!
Elementary/Middle/High School
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is important to me because I believe that all students deserve teachers who care about them- relationships are at the center of all teaching! I coach because I believe in creating teachers who are culturally responsive and devoted to educational equity. I coach because it is important to guide teachers so that they feel equipped to engage students in their own learning. I believe in creating leaders who act wisely, think critically, and work skillfully to advance the common good. It is my belief that all students have the ability to find success in their education when provided the appropriate differentiated tools; I coach in order to help teachers develop their own toolboxes in order to best teach their students.
My Approach to Motivation
I believe that the goal of motivation as a coach is to focus on helping people find their own motivation in order to achieve their goals. My support comes in the form of helping teachers realize and use their knowledge, skills, and experience in order to expand their capabilities. I approach motivation through establishing relationships; it is through these relationships that clear, concise, and manageable goals can be set. My approach to motivation comes from knowing when to listen, when to give advice, and when to work together to take actionable steps toward success.
I.G. Ryan
I coach from an asset-based framework and champion the resourcefulness in each of us.
Middle/High School
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is proven to positively affect student achievement. Providing a space to try out new strategies that attend to each student’s varied cultural background is vital. Through educators choosing their own professional goals and providing guided planning, problem-solving, and reflective conversation space, each of our students benefit.
My Approach to Motivation
The technique I use is based on Cognitive Coaching as well as a “plan do study act” cycle framework. I have studied Jim Knight’s work and used the concept of an instructional playbook. In addition, I integrate Elena Aguilar’s approach — especially when it comes to culturally responsive pedagogy and equity. It informs all I do as a coach. With this background, I create a space where teachers are able to access their own resourcefulness and learn from responsively adapting when a strategy doesn’t go as planned.
I am an energetic educator who has experienced working in 5 districts, 3 states and multiple subjects.
Middle/High School
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Teaching is all about sharing knowledge, and when it is done right, it is a partnership. I truly believe that the experiences I have as a veteran teacher can help improve not only the first year of a brand new teacher but also their career. Conversely, I believe I will learn much from the new teacher about my own teaching practices, and with that knowledge become better at my craft.
My Approach to Motivation
Motivation is found through joy, and when joy doesn't work, it's persistence. As a coach, I believe we first look for the areas of joy in our teaching to remind us of why we are teachers and what we enjoy about our job. After this, we look at the problems that need solving and cover how persistence, effort, and ingenuity can contribute to that problem-solving.
Minnesota VICS
Special Education
As a coach, I am creative and understanding while utilizing real life examples with unique approaches and problem solving to support others.
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is important to me for a variety of reasons including support of new teachers, connections, motivation, and helping others to grow as educators just to name a few. It is important to support all teachers at all levels and areas. They need to feel that someone is there to be a listener and support system as they need it. It is also important that coaching is in place to help others be successful by developing and acquiring strategies to use in their classrooms. As a special education teacher, it is important for new teachers to have someone they can look to for support with due process, curriculum, and classroom management. In addition, coaching from a special education teacher can apply to those in general education by providing strategies, accommodations, and having a listening ear to support them. Coaching is also important to me for the sense of belonging and collaboration that can occur in the partnerships. It is important for new teachers to build relationships to help guide them in the field. Lastly, coaching is important to help educators stay in the field and classrooms.
My Approach to Motivation
When it comes to motivation as a coach, I need to try to meet the needs of those who I am supporting. As a coach, motivation is about real life and finding the balance that is needed and not overbearing. Motivation and its strategies need to be real and not fake. Sometimes motivation can come through by setting realistic goals and celebrating simple events. In addition, everyone needs encouragement when it comes to teaching along with providing laughter when needed and a listening ear. Motivation is all about the partnership and finding a good balance. It also comes from finding out what new teachers want and need to help them be successful.
I carry optimism, hope & solution based thinking in all my actions.
Middle/High EBD/SLD/OHD
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is important to me in that guidance and collaboration with experienced staff can assist in guiding new educators in reflection, adapting skills, playing to assets, and working through challenges. I find great value in coaching by providing a listening ear, empathy, optimism, problem-solving solving, and reflection. I am honest and genuine and coaching provides me a way to support new educators in a field I am passionate about.
My Approach to Motivation
I approach motivation as a coach by providing a sounding board, empathy, solutions, problem-solving collaboratively, collaboratively reflecting and dissecting situations, as well as celebrating the success and achievement of educators and scholars and the supportive, welcoming spaces created. I will work to seek resources to support new educators and I work to apply small steps quickly in spaces when I engage in high-quality professional development opportunities. While my energy & passion is always renewed in PD, I work actively to extend my new learning to team members to improve our work and practices every day. I work with honesty, an open-minded mentality, and a realistic view that this work IS hard AND very valuable.
Genuine, honest in touch with the realities of current education
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is very important to me as I was coached and guided myself as a new teacher and with the help and support of fellow educators we grow, learn, and improve our craft. Education is ever evolving and we have to change with the times. Now more than ever, after COVID, we have to serve the whole child and support SEL before we can get to the academics. Creating opportunities for children to thrive at school, feel safe, and become confident is what we as educators get to foster within our classrooms. Coaching supports all teachers, new and seasoned. Coaching creates space and time for us to grow and learn from one another. We share ideas, feel heard and valued, and see the fruits of our labor with colleagues, and support. The passion, energy, and motivation shared within coaching sessions are reciprocal and benefits both parties involved.
My Approach to Motivation
Motivation comes from colleagues and students alike. When digging into data with teammates, honing in on areas of growth, and teaching that specific skill -then coming back to see the results of the data and seeing progress and growth, that is motivating! When our blood, sweat, and tears support children to flourish at school whether it be in academics, behaviorally, socially, or all of the above, that motivates the adults supporting that child. The same goes for adults, when teachers try things that are new and they see them working – that is motivating. Motivation is when you take small bite-size chunks and offer them to the teacher, the teacher tries it on and it works, and then wants more- that is motivating to any coach. It takes a village and when positivity is high, support is strong, you are open-minded and willing to try new things, collaboration is happening, teachers feel appreciated and respected, motivation stays plentiful because the adults know what they are doing what matters and doing right by their students.
Why Coaching is Important to Me
In my current position, I have had the opportunity to pursue Advanced Cognitive Coaching courses. Through training and application, I have seen just how powerful good coaching is. It helps the stakeholder to dig within themselves to determine their next steps and guides them through the steps to make it happen. I have seen the benefit of good coaching in my own life, and have seen it lead to cognitive shifts in the staff I work with and teachers I support. I have also felt the value of these practices in my own life, and it has helped me to better support my children, spouse, and friends in difficult situations.
My Approach to Motivation
As a special education teacher, motivating others has always been a crucial part of my teaching practice. To be effective, it’s important to identify the values and driving forces in an individual's life. When working with teachers, I have found that it is helpful to consider the Five States of Mind (Consciousness, Efficacy, Craftsmanship, Interdependence, and Flexibility) and how the state they are in impacts the strategies and questions a coach may use to motivate them and support them. My belief is that the best way to approach motivating others is to establish a trusting relationship and help them identify their priorities.
I coach others to be leaders and change agents in the educational field and their communities.
Behavior Interventionist
Why Coaching is Important to Me
It is becoming increasingly clear that educators have a much larger role to play in the lives of their students and the community. In order to support and retain teachers, coaching has become an essential component that cannot be ignored. Through effective coaching, teachers are able to develop skill sets that they may not have received in their formal education, while also adjusting to the school climate and culture. With a trusted coach, teachers can have a safe space to be vulnerable, receive constructive feedback, and deepen their understanding of the nuances of education, all while feeling supported and heard. It is crucial to invest in our teachers, giving them the tools they need to feel valued and supported. The future of education depends on it.
My Approach to Motivation
Approaching motivation as a coach is a vital aspect of helping individuals reach their goals and maximize their potential. Here are some key strategies I use to effectively foster motivation in my coaching role: Provide Constructive Feedback and offer feedback in a constructive and supportive manner. Highlight areas of improvement while also emphasizing strengths. Encourage self-reflection and learning from setbacks. Variety and Personalization: My coaching sessions will be engaging by incorporating a variety of tools, techniques, and approaches tailored to the needs and preferences. Set a Clear Action Plan: Work together to create a well-defined action plan with specific tasks and deadlines. Continual Assessment and Adaptation: Regularly assess your current level of need and support, and adjust my coaching approach accordingly.
Minnesota VICS
Elementary Education
My coaching style is one that builds on the dream of a life long enjoyable teaching career that impacts a child's joy of learning.
Early Childhood/ Preschool/ 0-3
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is important to me because I experienced it and saw how effective it was firsthand. During my first year of teaching, a mentor/coach was assigned to me and I really believe that made all the difference. My mentor put me at ease and assisted in building my confidence. I was given a lot of tools I could use throughout the year and connected me with other team members. My mentor gave me ideas, supplemental material to go alongside my lessons, information on different trainings I could attend, friendships that I could lean on that had my back and so much more. I would love to walk alongside and support another teacher/teammate. I want to help make the 2023-24 school year a big success.
My Approach to Motivation
I would approach motivation as a coach by asking questions about how the first couple of weeks went. Then I would listen. Together, a list will be made using the strengths to set goals and the areas to be focused on. This is the time to congratulate successes that are already in place and build on those areas to enhance confidence. We would make a plan from which I would gather the information, materials, training, activities, and whatever else is needed to ensure success. The materials gathered would be tested. The ones that worked would become part of the natural procedure for the teacher to enjoy the classroom. The school year will be a work in progress, ever-changing, and with lots of opportunities to build confidence in the teaching experience.
General Education
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is important to me because as a teacher with 22 years of experience, I wouldn't be where I am today without the support of my colleagues and mentors along the way. Giving insight, advice, and support, or just a listening ear when things aren't going well, or helping to celebrate successes is an important part of educators growing in the profession. Teaching is not a solo job, and collaboration is very important. Additionally, I view coaching as somewhat of a 2-way street. As a recent mentor to a new teacher, I feel as though I learned from my mentee as well. His fresh ideas and questioning of existing practices caused me to change some of my own practices as a teacher. It was a very valuable experience for both of us, I think.
My Approach to Motivation
In much the same way that an athletic coach tries to motivate his/her athletes, an instructional coach is responsible for inspiring and challenging other teachers to build confidence, try new things, and feel empowered. Teaching is a challenging profession in which there are many peaks and valleys. A good coach remains positive and supports through all, offering suggestions, building trust and relationships, and allowing ample time for discussion, action, and reflection.
As a 19 year educator, I see a coach as someone who listens to teachers, provides support, and guidance in all areas of education because together we are better.
K-3 General Education
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is important to me because together we are better. After participating in the coaching process for my entire 19-year teaching career, I have learned how powerful it is to collaborate with colleagues. As an elementary school teacher, I have experience with management techniques, social-emotional learning curriculum implementation, as well as research-based literacy and math strategies. Coaching is a way for all teachers to support and learn from each other. Everyone benefits from the experience. I value the time to discuss classroom strengths, struggles, and creative solutions. I look forward to providing guidance through the school year.
My Approach to Motivation
I am always excited to learn new ways of improving my teaching, as well as the profession. New research and 19 years in multiple primary classrooms have provided many experiences in common core lesson planning, classroom management, and successful student routines in different settings. I love being a teacher, and I remember mentor teachers who helped me along the way. I want to provide that support, guidance, and listening ear. Meeting new teachers motivates me because I like to discuss all areas of education. I enjoy participating in professional development and am a positive person who will listen and assist in every way I can. As a coach, I look forward to working with new teachers on developing realistic expectations, and organization, as well as how to constructively reflect on their daily practice.
I am a compassionate and dedicated coach who empowers individuals to unlock their full potential while fostering reflection on best practices.
General Education/ELA
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is important to me because it involves two people willing to show up and make a difference. Additionally, it is inspiring to witness individuals evolve, rise above challenges, and tap into their full potential through coaching. Moreover, coaching empowers individuals to foster self-awareness, build resilience, and have the courage to welcome and embrace change. As a coach, my role means guiding and helping others navigate obstacles, set individual goals, and ultimately become the absolute best versions of themselves. Lastly, no one should ever have to feel alone on their journey; thus, as coaches, we are by your side through it all because we're in this together!
My Approach to Motivation
As a coach, my approach to motivation is rooted in understanding and tailoring it to the unique needs and aspirations of each individual I work with. Motivation is a personal and intrinsic force, and my role is to help individuals tap into their core values; thus, active listening is vital. Once we've established a clear vision, I assist in breaking down those aspirations into manageable steps and milestones. Furthermore, I provide ongoing support, encouragement, and accountability to fuel focus and inspiration, all while emphasizing the importance of taking time to care for yourself. Ultimately, my coaching approach seeks to empower individuals while equipping them with lasting and self-sustainable tools to achieve their desired outcomes.
Relentlessly Reaching for Refinement, Realistic goals, and Reflection to Reach Rockstar status!
General Education
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is important for many reasons. It is an opportunity to build a trusted relationship with a colleague. Once developed, it becomes a place where questions can be asked, ideas developed and support is given. Coaches can be a cheerleader, a listener, and someone who has experiences and tools to share. Coaches can provide non-judgemental feedback that will help push their colleagues to reach their highest potential. Students come to us with different needs, backgrounds, and learning styles, and coaches can help ensure these needs are being met. These are some of the ways coaches are helpful!
My Approach to Motivation
I love sharing ideas and brainstorming solutions. Building relationships with students motivates me. I want to use their strengths as building blocks for mastering skills. I want to help students develop their own tool belt to become lifelong learners. I always have students in mind when I am helping new teachers. I am motivated by students being engaged and excited about what they are learning. I love it when they feel proud of their own accomplishments. I am inspired by the creativity and dedication of our teachers. I love to help them find a strategy to reach their students. Building a relationship with new staff, and offering support, guidance, and encouragement is so important.
With over 15 years of classroom experience, I seek to support & empower you on your journey as an educator.
2nd & 4th
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching promotes growth. Through reflective conversations, planned productive struggles, and encouraging words, coaching supports and empowers teachers to grow professionally and be more effective in their practice. I was honored to serve as a Virtual Instructional Coach last year and was given the opportunity to work with two amazing teachers. As our relationship grew, so did my rejuvenation for education.
My Approach to Motivation
In order to stay motivated as a coach, I surround myself with motivated people (e.g. my colleagues who are peer coaches). I read books by motivating authors (e.g. Jim Knight, Elena Aguilar, etc.). I grew in Cognitive Coaching, ENVoY/Catalyst, and Instructional Coaching practices. By staying curious and continually learning new things, I naturally stay motivated to be an even better and more effective coach.
Genuine, honest in touch with the realities of current education
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is very important to me as I was coached and guided myself as a new teacher and with the help and support of fellow educators we grow, learn, and improve our craft. Education is ever evolving and we have to change with the times. Now more than ever, after COVID, we have to serve the whole child and support SEL before we can get to the academics. Creating opportunities for children to thrive at school, feel safe, and become confident is what we as educators get to foster within our classrooms. Coaching supports all teachers, new and seasoned. Coaching creates space and time for us to grow and learn from one another. We share ideas, feel heard and valued, and see the fruits of our labor with colleagues, and support. The passion, energy, and motivation shared within coaching sessions are reciprocal and benefits both parties involved.
My Approach to Motivation
Motivation comes from colleagues and students alike. When digging into data with teammates, honing in on areas of growth, and teaching that specific skill -then coming back to see the results of the data and seeing progress and growth, that is motivating! When our blood, sweat, and tears support children to flourish at school whether it be in academics, behaviorally, socially, or all of the above, that motivates the adults supporting that child. The same goes for adults, when teachers try things that are new and they see them working – that is motivating. Motivation is when you take small bite-size chunks and offer them to the teacher, the teacher tries it on and it works, and then wants more- that is motivating to any coach. It takes a village and when positivity is high, support is strong, you are open-minded and willing to try new things, collaboration is happening, teachers feel appreciated and respected, motivation stays plentiful because the adults know what they are doing what matters and doing right by their students.
I am passionate about collaborating in ways that help our future leaders throughout their educational journey.
General Education
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is important to me because educators deserve support in meeting the needs of their students, collaborative partners, and administrators. I feel that teachers should have someone to talk through ideas, scenarios, and solutions in order to meet the needs of their students effectively. Having a mentor provides guidance when overcoming challenging situations efficiently without having to recreate the wheel. With all the demands of being an educator, having ideas to add to your “teacher toolbox” is something that can help solve future problems. Collaborating with a coach can give another perspective to tailor ideas in a way that is best for each individual personality. Having someone you trust provides a safe space to be honest and authentic about your teaching journey. Educators deserve someone who will understand them without judgment, to help them work through any obstacles they may encounter. Coaching is important to me because it can be the bridge between struggling and persevering.
My Approach to Motivation
I approach motivation as a coach by first creating an authentic relationship with my collaborating educator. I feel that motivation is personal and should be tailored to what works best for each individual. I believe in positive affirmations and reminding educators of their “why” throughout their educational journey. I believe in inspiring educators to push through hard situations using their creativity and determination. I am understanding and passionate about letting educators feel safe being exactly who they are. I do this by listening to understand instead of listening to respond. I am dedicated to finding solutions that can be differentiated and used for multiple scenarios. I feel that motivation looks like validation of all the effort being poured into the educational profession no matter the outcome. I approach motivation as a tool to bring the best educational leader out of any educator no matter the circumstance. Mistakes are the way to learn and grow and should be celebrated just as much as any success you may have.
I will be a coach that believes that the individual always has the answer to their own problems but understands that they may need help to find the answer, that's what I'm here to help provide.
General Education
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching new teachers is important to me because I have gone through being a new teacher 2 times in my life and had great teachers helping me through it. Those teachers are the only reason why I'm still in education. When you are a new teacher you really need supportive colleagues, no one understands what a teacher goes through unless they are in the education world. Teaching is a job that has so many rewards, but can be challenging too. I want to be able to be that person that a new teacher can come to and get positive feedback from. I value all new teachers and want them to have a positive, constructive, and valuable experience when they start teaching.
My Approach to Motivation
As a coach, I would help the new teacher set realistic goals and objectives. This will continue to help them when challenges arise. I would approach them with constructive feedback so they can use the feedback to make positive changes. Recognizing achievements is very crucial in teaching and a great approach to some motivation while teaching. The last approach I would give the new teachers is creating a positive and supportive environment in their classroom and with our engagement. Combining all these approaches will help me be a supportive and motivated coach.
Minnesota VICS
I am a dynamic and empowering coach who ignites individuals' potential and leads them on a captivating journey of self-discovery and transformation.
High School
Why Coaching is Important to Me
It is my belief that a good teacher becomes a great teacher by being mentored and learning by example. There is a lot of professional knowledge that is very difficult to capture in videos, articles, and books that are invaluable for someone new to the profession.
My Approach to Motivation
Motivation, in basic terms, is why we do something. The 'why' is either to get something good or avoid something that is not good. In terms of teaching, professionalism, and mentoring, motivation is also as simple as moving toward things that are good and avoiding the bad. Teachers need to have a long-term mindset, that leans into a culture and values of growth and personal fulfillment. ‘Doing it for the kids’ is a fine reason, but it’s incomplete, we teach because are finding fulfillment in our work. Caring about our students and ourselves is all one thing. We are also motivated to avoid burnout and emotional numbness. I aim to help other teachers find purpose in every day and the meaning in every action.
Minnesota VICS
Middle School Life & Physical Science
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is crucial for new teachers as it provides tailored guidance and support during their critical formative years. It equips them with effective teaching strategies, classroom management skills, and pedagogical insights that accelerate their professional growth. Through coaching, new teachers gain valuable feedback, fostering self-reflection and continuous improvement. This personalized guidance also helps them navigate challenges, boost confidence, and establish a strong foundation for their teaching careers, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of education they deliver.
My Approach to Motivation
As a coach for new teachers, approaching motivation involves a strategic blend of empathy, encouragement, and goal-setting. Begin by understanding the individual teacher's aspirations, strengths, and areas of growth. Acknowledge their efforts and challenges to create a supportive atmosphere. Set clear, achievable short-term and long-term goals together, ensuring they align with the teacher's professional development trajectory. Regularly provide constructive feedback, focusing on both successes and areas for improvement. Celebrate small victories to foster a sense of accomplishment. Tailor your guidance to their unique needs, sparking intrinsic motivation by highlighting the impact their teaching has on students' learning experiences.
Minnesota VICS
Social Studies
Growing teachers so they can grow kids
Middle/High School
Why Coaching is Important to Me
I was very fortunate coming into teaching, as I had a coach assigned to me. That person supported me by listening, providing feedback, and helping me to move outside my comfort zone as a new teacher. I believe every new teacher deserves the opportunity to grow alongside another teacher. This career is challenging, and meeting kids where they are can be tough. Through the art of coaching, and building trust with one another, a teacher and an instructional coach can build a relationship where kids truly benefit.
My Approach to Motivation
In order to encourage motivation as a coach, I take the time to truly listen. As teachers are planning lessons, or sharing ideas about what they might want to try, I listen to hear what they are working toward. I ask questions about what the end product could look like, and how they’ll know it was a successful lesson. When I follow up with teachers, I give them opportunities to share and reflect. I then get the opportunity to highlight some of the great things that occurred, that they may have missed. During times when motivation feels more challenging for a teacher, coming back to this foundation of a trusting relationship, with a common goal, can help that motivation increase.
Making real change, realistically
Middle/High School
Why Coaching is Important to Me
In my first years as a teacher, I had the support of several different mentors. Each mentor who worked with me showed me how to improve my teaching and supported me while I learned. Teachers are a precious resource, and too many teachers leave the profession feeling disheartened and burnt out. I want to help show teachers how they can succeed in this field. I also want to help them elevate their students so we can improve our system of education, one teacher at a time.
My Approach to Motivation
In my experience, motivation requires two things: positive feedback and new learning. I approach coaching by encouraging my mentee in what they are doing well and showing them how they can take their work to the next level. I ask questions and help my mentee examine their work from new angles, beginning a process of inquiry and reflection that will lead to new growth. Sometimes we need to see that the foundations of our success are already in our possession, but to move forward we need new knowledge and skills – something which a mentor can provide.
I am a dedicated coach, guiding educators with expertise and compassion to enhance their teaching practices and elevate student learning experiences.
Middle/High School Social Studies/Geography
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Instructional coaching is important to me because it serves as an agent for growth and improvement in education. As an educator, I believe that continuous learning and development are essential to providing the best possible educational experience for students. Instructional coaching plays an important role in this process. Instructional coaching represents an opportunity to make a systemic difference in education. It allows me to work closely with teachers, fostering their personal growth and development. By providing personalized guidance, constructive feedback, and tailored professional development, I can help educators refine their instructional practices and enhance student learning outcomes. Through supporting teachers, I can contribute to a brighter future for more students, helping them reach their full potential.
My Approach to Motivation
Overall, my approach to motivation as an instructional coach would be centered on personalized support, continuous feedback, and a learning environment that empowers teachers to reach their full potential. I believe in building strong, positive relationships with teachers, establishing trust and open communication. By understanding their unique needs, goals, and challenges, I can tailor my support to align with their intrinsic motivations. Some strategies to achieve this include building a relationship with the teacher, setting attainable goals, providing time for feedback and reflection, being flexible and responsive, as well as celebrating teacher successes.
Organized, supportive & love to learn!
High School
Why Coaching is Important to Me
I served as a district instructional mentor for two years approximately 20 years ago in my district and it was an amazing experience. I was so happy last year when I became a part of ELP and was chosen to be a virtual coach. I wasn't sure how it would go since I wasn't in the same district and that it would all be virtual - but it was amazing. I have always felt that mentoring/coaching is not a one-way street - yes, I am there to support them - but in all of my experiences in this type of role, I have also learned new things to help enrich my own classroom practice. I think this is seen as being very valuable to the new teacher - that in this profession we never stop learning how to best improve our practice/craft to create student success for all students. It is so exciting to see new teachers grow and to provide support for them as they start their educational careers.
My Approach to Motivation
I approach motivation as understanding where my new teacher is at, what are their needs, and figuring out where they need support. It takes time to build the relationship that then leads to a safe environment where we can work together openly and honestly. Once that relationship is established learning who they are and what their needs are - helps me to figure out how and what will motivate the teacher. I think it is also really important to celebrate things that are going well because sometimes as a new teacher, you are so overwhelmed you don't see those "good" things and you focus on the things that are hard or difficult - I think if you can balance these - it helps to provide motivation. Also, you can't do it all at once, so you need to hone in on what is the immediate need for support and then use motivation and suggestions of things to try and then circle back and see what worked and what didn't.
We need to support and listen to each other to grow.
High School
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Teaching can be a challenging profession. I want to help, coach, and facilitate teachers new to the profession so they feel supported and confident. I want all teachers, both new and veteran, to feel like they are not alone. We need to be there for each other, listen to each other, and support each other.
My Approach to Motivation
I coached a variety of sports (basketball, cross country, track, baseball) for over ten years. During that time I build relationships with kids and colleagues outside of the classroom. Seeing the success of both student-athletes and fellow coaches was my motivation. This is the same philosophy for new and veteran teachers....seeing success and accomplishments drives us to move forward....this is what motivates me.
Minnesota VICS
I offer an experience of transformation, passion, and expert guidance to help you achieve your goals!
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is important to me because it represents a powerful vehicle for personal and professional growth. It serves as a transformative process where individuals can unlock their full potential, overcome obstacles, and achieve their goals. Coaching allows me to make a meaningful impact on people's lives by helping them discover their strengths, develop new skills, and navigate challenges with confidence. It's immensely fulfilling to witness clients gain self-awareness, clarity, and a sense of purpose, ultimately leading them to lead more fulfilling and purpose-driven lives. Furthermore, coaching is a continuous learning journey for me as well. It encourages me to stay curious, empathetic, and adaptable, as every client brings unique circumstances and aspirations. This dynamic nature of coaching keeps me engaged and committed to honing my coaching skills. Finally, coaching is a pathway to facilitating positive change, fostering resilience, and building stronger, more self-assured individuals. Coaching aligns with my passion for helping others and allows me to contribute to their personal and professional success, making it an essential and fulfilling part of my life.
My Approach to Motivation
As a coach, my approach to motivation centers on the belief that motivation is not a one-size-fits-all concept. Each individual I work with is unique, with their own set of goals, values, and challenges. Therefore, my coaching philosophy is rooted in a personalized and holistic approach to motivation. First and foremost, I strive to build strong, trusting relationships with other teachers. I believe that trust is the foundation of motivation. When teachers feel heard, respected, and understood, they are more likely to open up about their aspirations and obstacles. This enables me to tailor my coaching to their specific needs. Next, I emphasize the importance of setting clear and achievable goals. I work collaboratively with my teachers to define their objectives and break them down into manageable steps. This provides not only a sense of direction but also a sense of progress, which can be highly motivating. I also recognize the significance of celebrating small victories along the way. Acknowledging progress, no matter how minor reinforces motivation and builds confidence. Ultimately, my coaching approach is a blend of empathy, goal-setting, and positive reinforcement. I aim to empower teachers to find and sustain their motivation on their unique journey towards success.
Minnesota VICS
World Languages
I am an anti-racist educator who is passionate about biliteracy.
Elementary/Middle/High School Spanish
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is important to me because building relationships with new teachers is important. I want new teachers to be confident and happy. I want to help new teachers find a balance between work, home & life. I think it's important for new & experienced teachers to realize the importance of why we are here, embrace the challenges, and figure out how to navigate, implement, and adapt.
My Approach to Motivation
Let me start by saying that I am not a competitive coach. I am more of a "what can I help you with" or "here are some resources" coach. Instead of letting obstacles overcome me and the people I mentor, I find solutions to problems. My passion as a teacher is genuine. I want to make everyone's workload a little lighter. As an experienced teacher, I know what to let go of & what is worth holding on to.
Minnesota VICS
Fun and experienced art teacher and artist
Elementary/Middle/High School
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is important to me because I want to offer the help that I could have used in my first few years of teaching. I have a plethora of experience with different grade levels, socioeconomic statuses, and plenty of experience with behavior and classroom management.
My Approach to Motivation
I approach motivation as a coach by staying positive, and remembering why I do what I do. I teach for the kids and share my love for art with them. I also stay motivated by setting reachable goals and celebrating when I meet my goals. I also believe a positive attitude can help you stay motivated!
Minnesota VICS
I am an energetic educator who has experienced working in 5 districts, 3 states and multiple subjects.
Middle/High School
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Teaching is all about sharing knowledge, and when it is done right, it is a partnership. I truly believe that the experiences I have as a veteran teacher can help improve not only the first year of a brand new teacher but also their career. Conversely, I believe I will learn much from the new teacher about my own teaching practices, and with that knowledge become better at my craft.
My Approach to Motivation
Motivation is found through joy, and when joy doesn't work, it's persistence. As a coach, I believe we first look for the areas of joy in our teaching to remind us of why we are teachers and what we enjoy about our job. After this, we look at the problems that need solving and cover how persistence, effort, and ingenuity can contribute to that problem-solving.
Minnesota VICS
Family & Consumer Science
A reflective, organized and knowledgeable coach with an awesome sense of humor!
Middle/High School
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching is vitally important to me. In most of my educational career, I have not had a coach or mentor to support and guide me. I had to figure out many things the hard way - on my own. Bouncing ideas off of another caring professional, one who had already “been there”, would have given me the courage to take some risks and implement new ideas. I believe it would have been more comforting to reflect on my mistakes with another who may have made them as well and yet moved on to become a better teacher and person. A trusting relationship with another more experienced teacher could have helped me achieve a more balanced life during those first years. Even now, balance is a struggle yet crucial for my own well-being and the well-being of my students. We can become so focused and overwhelmed by the many things we need to accomplish and our neverending to-do lists that we lose our effectiveness and more importantly, ourselves. We need balance to become successful teachers. I believe coaching can help teachers develop the skills, attributes, and balance to be successful and happy in this rewarding field for a lifetime.
My Approach to Motivation
Motivation in teaching can be fickle. At the beginning of the school year, we are full of energy, enthusiasm, and hope. Sadly, that motivational high tends to wane as the weeks move on and the reality of the challenges we face sets in. As a mentor, I would remind my mentees of the skills and talents they already possess. We do not come into the classroom as empty vessels. We have talents, skills, and innate abilities we bring to this profession that we might forget about when the challenges seem insurmountable. I would recognize and remind those I mentor of their gifts. I would instill confidence in them. In addition, I would support teachers in building any additional skills they will need to become successful in the classroom. Through nonjudgmental listening, questioning, and offering alternative options when needed, I would assist teachers in the development of skills they will need to stay in teaching for the long haul. Finally and possibly most importantly, I would celebrate the many victories, however small, that come with teaching. Small wins can grow into bigger achievements and make a difference not only to my mentees but to the students they teach.
Minnesota VICS
Physical Education
Looking to grow and learn with you.
Why Coaching is Important to Me
Coaching provides a safe space for new teachers. All educators need a space where they can share frustrations, successes, failures, and whatever else they need without the fear of judgment from colleagues. An instructional coach who is not in the district can be that person. Also, physical education teachers are typically on their own in a building. We do have other specialists, but no one else in our building teaches the same content as we do. This is one way that young physical education teachers can start building their team around them and connect with another teacher who teaches their content.
My Approach to Motivation
I think it’s important to listen first. Everyone has their own unique situation. A coach can not guide unless he or she knows exactly what their mentee needs from them. By using open-ended questions and creating a system that their mentee feels comfortable they will be able to provide the best coaching necessary to help the new teacher.