ELP Virtual Instructional Coach Pool

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I am a positive person with more than two decades of experience who is excited to work with new teachers.

High School

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Being an instructional coach is something that I believe in deeply. Twenty-four years ago, I started my journey in education. My principal told me that the chemistry teacher would be my buddy if I needed anything. I was given five classes to prep, and when asking for materials or standards, he gave me a binder of documents from the Department of Education. I think I had maybe two conversations with my “buddy” teacher all year, but my real mentor was across the hall. He has since retired but is still a dear friend to me. He answered all my questions; he invited me in to watch his lessons; he let me complain on the days when I needed to vent; and he helped me navigate all the written and unwritten rules of the school. He is very likely the reason that I am still teaching after two decades. What I realize now is that he was also teaching me to be a mentor and coach for others. I know the power of that work because I was gratefully on the receiving end early on in my career.

My Approach to Motivation

I firmly believe that when we know we are not alone, and there is always someone to help or guide us, we are stronger and more confident in our work. Motivation in education comes in many forms. Sometimes, you give a person the courage to try something new and help troubleshoot it before they go in front of their class. Other times, you are a supportive listener letting a person know that you are a safe space, and they are not alone in the process. Many times, you offer stories of your own mistakes with laughter and learning to be better each time. Each teacher with each situation requires a different type of motivation much like our students do, it’s just a matter of reading and reacting to each situation to the best of your ability.


Listener, experienced, coach, and understand the challenges of teaching and balance in work/life.

Elementary/Middle/High School

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Coaching is important to me for several reasons. First, I have taught for over 30 years with experiences from kindergarten through university-level courses including special education and at-risk. I believe my vast experience could offer someone new to the profession the support that was missing from my early career years. Additionally, my own children are grown so I have time to give to being dedicated to building the necessary relationship with a mentee and maintaining the role of a coach. Most importantly, teaching has never been a more challenging profession than it currently is, and I desire to help those who are willing to take on this career path and motivate them to stay committed to it. Our children need trained, supported, and valued teachers!

My Approach to Motivation

My approach to motivation as a coach begins with a strong foundation of building a relationship with the whole person I would be working with- not just the teacher. I believe a person needs to feel seen and valued to be motivated, so I would work to build that relationship. From there, listening to my mentee would be at the heart of our work and the core from which I would learn how to best motivate that particular person. My approach would be personalized, not prescribed.


I am outgoing, enthusiastic, empathetic, and a solution-focused colleague, mentor and coach.


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Why Coaching is Important to Me

In my opinion, coaching is one of the most important aspects of education. In addition to increasing student achievement, coaching can help teachers grow professionally through reflection. Through engagement with one another, we can foster new teaching techniques and strategies to improve student achievement. Our collaboration also allows us to further develop our skills and knowledge while keeping the student's best interests at the forefront. In order to improve student achievement, I am always eager to research new methodologies, share ideas, and collaborate with colleagues. It is through collaboration that educators can continuously learn from each other and hone their own skills. The key to attracting and retaining high-quality teachers is to create a safe, collaborative environment where all teachers feel valued, heard, and respected, where we can learn from each other and work as a team while focusing on student achievement and celebrating each other throughout it. I am a firm believer that when teachers have a strong network of support and that support includes colleagues that are “in the trenches” with them, they will feel as though they can accomplish anything.

My Approach to Motivation

I believe as educators, one way that we are motivated is through celebration. Teaching can be difficult at times, but I believe that there are always positive events that can be reflected upon and celebrations that can be shared. When working with a new teacher, one that I might not already know very well, it would be important to always find the positives and the celebrations first. Secondly, I will ensure that collaboration is done in a safe and supportive environment where everyone feels welcome, and validated and that they matter. I also focus on setting clear, short-term goals, which would lend themselves to more positive outcomes and celebrations when reached. It’s also important to stay solution-focused with a growth mindset. Just as we want our students to focus on a growth mindset, we as educators and coaches must do the same. When we stumble, we just have to see those as opportunities for growth rather than failure. Lastly, I believe I motivate my colleagues through modeling and leading by example. I am very committed to student and colleague success and am very enthusiastic about helping all individuals be successful.


Special Education


I am experienced, but still learning. Like to have fun, but get stuff done. Open minded, but stick with what works.

Elementary/Middle/High School

Why Coaching is Important to Me

I have been involved with coaching numerous times throughout my career. I feel having a different point of view to listen to my concerns, allow me to talk through an issue and validate my thought process, or provide assistance with a new strategy has always been beneficial. I have never viewed coaching as me not knowing how to do my job, rather it has been a positive experience that has allowed me to improve my teaching skills, try new things in my classroom with objective support, and feel validated as a teacher.

My Approach to Motivation

I would approach coaching as an active listener first. Teaching is more challenging than ever before, and special education even more so. Having someone who has experience teaching the same discipline who can listen, offer advice based on past experience, and can help do the research for you on specific strategies, curriculum, etc. is invaluable. Special education is ever-changing and things like writing IEPs, setting up student schedules, and supervising paraeducators are all important parts of the job that universities don't address in their undergraduate programs, and student teachers only get limited time observing these areas. Lastly, everyone wants to know what they are doing right and feel valued. I believe that is just as important as assisting with concerns someone has.


I am motivating and dedicated coach that empowers, supports, and guides others in exploring their limitless potential. 


Why Coaching is Important to Me

As an educator, in my 20th year, I have found that the most powerful relationships I have had with my colleagues are the ones where we have been able to make an impact on one another's practice, learn together, and move through challenges with purpose and collaboration. I was an Instructional Coach back when it was a new position in my former district. The most important thing, to me, about this role has always been supporting teachers in order to enable them to feel like they have the tools and strategies to be effective, and engaging, and to have a classroom culture of learners and collaborators.

My Approach to Motivation

As a coach, I think the most powerful way to approach motivation is to support teachers in a way where they find that motivation within themselves. I feel it is my role to provide suggestions, ideas, tools, and strategies (as well as examples and resources) that create motivation in the teacher. This means I have to really know who I am working with, and what makes them inspired as a teacher, and excited about educating, and learning about their classroom and students. Once I know these things we can set goals that motivate the teacher and enable them to feel successful in progress towards their goal(s).


My coaching encompasses and presents my passion about special education (laws, process, instructional strategies) in a matter of fact manner. 

Elementary/Middle/High School

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Coaches are a vital support for new teachers. I was very fortunate to have a wonderful mentor & coach when I was a new special education teacher, and when I transitioned to my current role with one of Iowa’s AEAs. Coaches support & don’t judge - they help coachees gain autonomy and confidence in their professional skills.

My Approach to Motivation

I’m very passionate about special education - the laws, the processes, and sharing my knowledge & skills with students/teachers/parents. I use my passion to help motivate others to think outside the box in order to best support student needs while remaining compliant in practices. I try to use a team-based approach and make data-based decisions to support both students and staff.


Ready to inspire, support, and guide a new teacher to the profession! 


Why Coaching is Important to Me

Coaching is important to me because I believe a coach in any capacity whether education, sports, or life can be a great support and mentor. Instructional coaching gives individualized support to teachers. As a special education teacher of 11 years, I have been able to see the impact of individualizing support for students. As a veteran teacher now of 16 years, I also see the impact of individualizing support for teachers, especially those who are new to teaching. I love to problem-solve, collaborate, and offer my expertise to new teachers, and know that I would be an asset as an instructional coach to new teachers.

My Approach to Motivation

I know the first years of teaching can be overwhelming. My approach to motivation through instructional coaching is to set clear goals, establish a good relationship, have open communication, and listen to the needs of the teacher. From there, I help support them in their needs whether it's classroom management, core instruction, or specially designed instruction. I love teaching and learning and my passion is motivating those that I work with and support.


Multitasking guide by your side


Why Coaching is Important to Me

I feel like learning from other educators has the most important impact on new educators! Instructional Coaches are in place to help guide teachers as they grow in the profession. Coaches help lighten a new teacher's load and help guide them in their own learning. I have been part of many coaching cycles as an educator from grant writing, curriculum implementation, room design, data analysis, etc. Supporting teachers, as a coach, is important regardless of what the need is. It is always important for educators to feel supported, and it’s also reassuring to have a guide by their side.

My Approach to Motivation

This is difficult for me to answer because every situation is so unique. I think it is important to find out why the lack of motivation is there. Is it because the new teacher is overwhelmed, lack of knowledge, or other circumstances? Once that is determined, I would look at the best way to support the new educator based on that information. I truly believe being a guide and support by the teacher’s side is the most important part of coaching. Just having that support in place can help increase confidence and motivation.



Elementary/Middle/High School

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Teachers are the best people! I love the relationships teacher friends make as they seek to help one another grow and learn. I placed and mentored pre-service teachers for many years and loved the opportunity to see college students grow into professional educators. I re-careered back into public education 4 years ago. I am grateful to my colleagues and my mentors whom I depended on as I transitioned. That trust relationship has allowed me to continue to grow and change my professional practice as new situations and needs allow. Over the past two years, I participated in a program my Area Education Agency instituted for coaching around best practices in specially designed instruction. Learning new skills through just-in-time coaching is a great way to grow as a teacher.

My Approach to Motivation

Coaches must begin by forming relationships. Coaches need to understand the needs of those they work with before they begin to think about motivation. Motivation is driven by the professional needs of the teacher.

1) Understand the context and how the new teacher fits.

2) Help the new teacher to set professional growth goals. What do they need? How can I help? Let those individual needs drive the conversation.

3) Provide positive feedback. New teachers can be overwhelmed. They need to know what they are doing well.

4) Check in regularly. New teachers need somewhere to go with their questions and can be hesitant to ask. They need their mentors to check in with them.

5) Celebrate progress.

Mentors can help new teachers see how much they have grown and learned.


Elementary Education


Ready to inspire, support, and guide a new teacher to the profession! 

General Education

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Coaching is important to me because I believe a coach in any capacity whether education, sports, or life can be a great support and mentor. Instructional coaching gives individualized support to teachers. As a special education teacher of 11 years, I have been able to see the impact of individualizing support for students. As a veteran teacher now of 16 years, I also see the impact of individualizing support for teachers, especially those who are new to teaching. I love to problem-solve, collaborate, and offer my expertise to new teachers, and know that I would be an asset as an instructional coach to new teachers.

My Approach to Motivation

I know the first years of teaching can be overwhelming. My approach to motivation through instructional coaching is to set clear goals, establish a good relationship, have open communication, and listen to the needs of the teacher. From there, I help support them in their needs whether it's classroom management, core instruction, or specially designed instruction. I love teaching and learning and my passion is motivating those that I work with and support.



General Education

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Coaching is important to me because I want other teachers to love teaching as much as I do. I want teachers to stay in the teaching profession. I know that when I first started, teaching was hard. I want to be able to help other teachers get through those hard times and develop a passion for their careers. I want to help other teachers to develop the skills they need to become successful. I want to be able to empower others to make a difference in the lives of kids.

My Approach to Motivation

I will help motivate others through communication and building a relationship. I will help to provide clear goals and objectives. I want to provide constructive feedback and be sure to recognize achievements. I want to create both a positive and supportive environment. I want to help these teachers learn and grow. I want to inspire them to love teaching.



Gifted Education

Why Coaching is Important to Me

I feel that it is important to give back to the teaching community that helped me become the teacher I am today. If we can help the teachers start off by making it less stressful, and more meaningful, and support them through the first years; we could help build up great teachers for our future!

My Approach to Motivation

Motivation is an essential ingredient in effective teaching and learning. Motivation is vital to a successful classroom and learning environment. I have high, positive energy and I hope others are encouraged by this. All teachers need to feel valued, listened to, and part of a team. I hope to help new teachers see a sense of purpose and the enjoyment of watching our youth learn especially when they can witness the "ah ha" moment. I will encourage them to build relationships and become part of a team that values them and their gifts.


I’m passionate about getting kids what they need to be successful. 

General Education

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Coaching is important to me because helping teachers grow and succeed means more students will grow and succeed. The job of teaching cannot be done in a vacuum. Just as teachers need to collaborate within their PLCs, they also need an opportunity to work outside of grade levels and content areas. Coaches provide resources and access points to teachers that may not exist for them otherwise. Coaches can also be another person to share ideas with, create lessons with, or provide feedback. Coaching allows teachers to work with someone in a more vulnerable way that they can trust to provide resources and help them grow without judgment.

My Approach to Motivation

As a coach, motivation can fall into different categories. Elena Aguilar describes transformational coaching as understanding a teacher's motivation and barriers to success. I approach coaching from skill, will, time, resources, and beliefs. That being said, which can be leveraged with the coach and the teacher to increase motivation? A teacher may need to build their skill set to feel successful and become more motivated. A coach may need more time or resources for a teacher to increase motivation. The more difficult areas, will, and beliefs come from getting to know the teacher as an individual and what they see as success. I believe in building someone up from what they already have strengths in.


Above all else celebrate you! 

Kindergarten and Second Grade

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Coaching is important to me because it helps other new beginning educators to be successful. I have a lot of great experiences and coaching is one way I can share this with others. I love to share takeaways, excellent resources, and advice to those beginning their careers in education. I look at coaching as an overall way to continue to grow and develop my own skills while also building other beginning educators’ beliefs and insight into leadership and teaching.

My Approach to Motivation

I believe in taking the initiative when it comes to motivation as a coach. I believe in asking good questions and not coming to a meeting without goals. As a coach, I will share my vision but also help to set clear goals. I believe in using motivation to gain respect, sharing and providing positive feedback, encouraging teamwork, and overall excellent communication. I believe when you approach motivation in these ways everyone involved gets as much as they can from the experience.


I’m an energetic teacher who loves to work with others!

5th Grade

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Coaching is important to me because I want to help future educators feel confident. I know that teaching can be an overwhelming career. I feel like through coaching I can offer support to new teachers and help to make their transition into the field as successful as possible. I feel that professional relationships are an important part of a teacher's success. Coaching allows new teachers and veteran teachers the opportunity to connect with others. This relationship allows both professionals to grow.

My Approach to Motivation

As a coach, I would approach motivation in a couple of different ways. First off, I would get to know the person I am trying to motivate and find out what seems to motivate them. Next, I would ask that individual what they feel they need help with. Then, I would help them determine steps to get to where they want to be and check in with them frequently along the way.


I am a person that likes to change problems into possibilities and help find solutions quickly and efficiently.  

General Education

Why Coaching is Important to Me

I have entered into my 37 years of education, and have been very fortunate in my career to have worked with amazing educators. Those educators are the measuring stick that I use when determining how/why I strive to excel in my profession. When I was a young educator I would often think "If I could just be as good as Mrs. Saddler," or "I'm going to do what Mrs. DeJarnett does in her room to see if it works for me." Watching and learning from some of the best teachers helped to shape my own practice as I matured within the profession. Now I am on the opposite end of my career. I have taken what I have learned when I was a classroom teacher and helped to mold new teachers within the profession.

My Approach to Motivation

Being an instructional coach for the last 11 years has been a highlight in my career. I have been able to use the enthusiasm that I hold for education and model that with young educators. I have loved my career and have been surrounded by amazing professionals. I think that having been exposed to such high-caliber educators over the course of my career has enriched my ability in how I approach coaching/teaching/modeling. I have worked with a multitude of teachers in my district, worked with the University of Iowa in developing the ISASP, and at the state level with the Department of Education. I have used all of my experiences to help young educators really understand what best practice looks like, and am able to hone in on practices that are applicable to any classroom.


Education is my passion, and pro teacher and pro student is my way!

3rd / 4th intervention literacy and math

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Mentorships at all levels are so important. I recently helped develop an 8th-grade mentoring partnership with our 3rd and 4th-grade classrooms. This program fostered so many of my former students to become educators, which is so inspiring! Whether it be 8th-grade mentors coming into 4th-grade classrooms or veteran teachers coaching new teachers, I believe strongly that guidance, modeling, listening, and mentor partnerships are important for new teachers and life-long educators like me. Management, curriculum development and implementation, and other practices in classrooms are fostered by sharing ideas, giving students as well as their teachers, a solid foundation to achieve their potential. I have seen professionals grow greatly based on teamwork and mentoring activities following a pathway of both failures and successes. Having a mentor coach to guide new teachers through both good and not-so-good times is what keeps teachers wanting to come back each year to redefine their practices, and meet student challenges with positive outcomes. In my eyes, teachers shape the lives of their students at so many different levels of the learning journey.

My Approach to Motivation

I have been an Iowa elementary educator for nearly 37 years, working with students in pre-school through college in various academic settings and online. I have been a mentee and mentor teacher over the years in my teaching teams and schools. As a successful veteran teacher, I have seen educators grow greatly into professional leaders through teamwork, communication, positivity, empathy, guidance, and support from and for others. Coaching teams are so important when there are times of tears and laughs along the journey by opening up dialogue and supporting risk-taking. I believe trusting conversations and listening ears are so important to the pathways leading and dealing with both failures and successes in the classroom. A coaching team can be so important for new teachers when dealing with and understanding human relationships within a school, classroom concerns, and advocating for our students. Even when there might not be an at the moment answer to issues, coaching teams allow for voice and choice! It is what keeps me as a teacher wanting to come back each year to redefine my practices and meet student challenges with excitement and positive outcomes.


I am an educator that is excited to collaborate and work to build relationships with beginning educators.

Math & Reading

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Coaching is important to me because it allows an opportunity for growth for educators. So many times we get lost in the day-to-day and do not take time to better our own teaching skills. This is also a non-evaluative atmosphere and is not meant to be judgmental of one's teaching. Instead, it is about making and then achieving such goals. A main goal of mine as an instructional coach would be building a relationship and collaborating with each other in an effort to improve instruction in a teacher's classroom. It is important for me that we believe in working together and finding ways to build upon what we already know our strengths to be and what we can improve upon.

My Approach to Motivation

Motivation is something that can easily be lost and a struggle to get back. As new teachers, we are motivated by what we don't know, always wanting to learn and understand. While I hope that holds true, staying engaged and interested in a teacher is a way that I would approach motivating someone. For me, I would find ways to connect with a teacher that either they are comfortable with, or then after time, might challenge them more. As I know their strengths, I will be able to continue to shine and build upon them. Another key motivator for me is to simply listen. If I could listen, ask questions, and allow a teacher to learn alongside me, and not just from me telling them something, then I believe this would set them up for great success.


I am outgoing, enthusiastic, empathetic, and a solution-focused colleague, mentor and coach.


Why Coaching is Important to Me

In my opinion, coaching is one of the most important aspects of education. In addition to increasing student achievement, coaching can help teachers grow professionally through reflection. Through engagement with one another, we can foster new teaching techniques and strategies to improve student achievement. Our collaboration also allows us to further develop our skills and knowledge while keeping the student's best interests at the forefront. In order to improve student achievement, I am always eager to research new methodologies, share ideas, and collaborate with colleagues. It is through collaboration that educators can continuously learn from each other and hone their own skills. The key to attracting and retaining high-quality teachers is to create a safe, collaborative environment where all teachers feel valued, heard, and respected, where we can learn from each other and work as a team while focusing on student achievement and celebrating each other throughout it. I am a firm believer that when teachers have a strong network of support and that support includes colleagues that are “in the trenches” with them, they will feel as though they can accomplish anything.

My Approach to Motivation

I believe as educators, one way that we are motivated is through celebration. Teaching can be difficult at times, but I believe that there are always positive events that can be reflected upon and celebrations that can be shared. When working with a new teacher, one that I might not already know very well, it would be important to always find the positives and the celebrations first. Secondly, I will ensure that collaboration is done in a safe and supportive environment where everyone feels welcome, and validated and that they matter. I also focus on setting clear, short-term goals, which would lend themselves to more positive outcomes and celebrations when reached. It’s also important to stay solution-focused with a growth mindset. Just as we want our students to focus on a growth mindset, we as educators and coaches must do the same. When we stumble, we just have to see those as opportunities for growth rather than failure. Lastly, I believe I motivate my colleagues through modeling and leading by example. I am very committed to student and colleague success and am very enthusiastic about helping all individuals be successful.




A passionate instructor who wants to positively impact this world & our students in as many ways as I can.  


Elementary/Middle/High School

Audio Block
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Why Coaching is Important to Me

I have been teaching for about 18 years and coaching is important to me because our kids are our future. It truly does take a village to help give our kids their best opportunities. So I see coaching as a small way of doing my part of being the change I want to see.

My Approach to Motivation

Teaching and life definitely have their ups & downs, but this too shall pass. Everything we've gone through, we've made it through so we just have to do what we can to stay positive, strategize, & use each other plus our resources to make sure we continue to make it through again. We got this!


Choose me...I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET YOU :-)

High School

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Hi There! Coaching is important to me for a number of reasons.

1) I believe we all become better when we share ideas. I believe we all can be strong on our own, but we can be STRONGER together!

2) I believe, in the beginning, we all need guidance, and who better to ask than those who have been around for a while? Use and borrow ideas from those that came before you, no need to reinvent the wheel. And…

3) Teaching is important work and we need as many good teachers as we can get I believe that veteran teachers need to help foster and support new teachers to help keep them around 😀.

My Approach to Motivation

I will always try to see how I can help you by sharing some of my past experiences. If possible, I would sure like to help make your first years better and easier, if possible. There will be challenges and I will be there for you in a supportive and positive way!


I am outgoing, enthusiastic, empathetic, and a solution-focused colleague, mentor and coach.

Middle School

Why Coaching is Important to Me

In my opinion, coaching is one of the most important aspects of education. In addition to increasing student achievement, coaching can help teachers grow professionally through reflection. Through engagement with one another, we can foster new teaching techniques and strategies to improve student achievement. Our collaboration also allows us to further develop our skills and knowledge while keeping the student's best interests at the forefront. In order to improve student achievement, I am always eager to research new methodologies, share ideas, and collaborate with colleagues. It is through collaboration that educators can continuously learn from each other and hone their own skills. The key to attracting and retaining high-quality teachers is to create a safe, collaborative environment where all teachers feel valued, heard, and respected, where we can learn from each other and work as a team while focusing on student achievement and celebrating each other throughout it. I am a firm believer that when teachers have a strong network of support and that support includes colleagues that are “in the trenches” with them, they will feel as though they can accomplish anything.

My Approach to Motivation

I believe as educators, one way that we are motivated is through celebration. Teaching can be difficult at times, but I believe that there are always positive events that can be reflected upon and celebrations that can be shared. When working with a new teacher, one that I might not already know very well, it would be important to always find the positives and the celebrations first. Secondly, I will ensure that collaboration is done in a safe and supportive environment where everyone feels welcome, and validated and that they matter. I also focus on setting clear, short-term goals, which would lend themselves to more positive outcomes and celebrations when reached. It’s also important to stay solution-focused with a growth mindset. Just as we want our students to focus on a growth mindset, we as educators and coaches must do the same. When we stumble, we just have to see those as opportunities for growth rather than failure. Lastly, I believe I motivate my colleagues through modeling and leading by example. I am very committed to student and colleague success and am very enthusiastic about helping all individuals be successful.




If you can't be you, how can you help someone else be them?

Middle/High School Biology

Audio Block
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Why Coaching is Important to Me

Now more than ever, teachers entering our profession for the first time need all the assistance we can provide them. In 15 years of teaching, I have been a part of many changes within our buildings, district, and community. The diversity of my experiences has given me a chance to persevere through a wide range of initiatives and challenges. I believe deeply in the power of education to develop the potential of our young people, and those willing to devote themselves to that effort deserve to be supported. Our students deserve a quality experience in their educational lives and our teachers are the keys to making that possible.

My Approach to Motivation

As a teacher of advanced learners, it is my professional opinion that talent tends to manifest in 3 primary ways: ability, creativity, and motivation. Based on my own experiences working with students, I have found that only motivation seems to help develop the other two. It is the role of a coach to recognize and foster the potential in those they work with. When you learn how to motivate others, you give them a tool that they can use to build themselves into the person they want to be. A coach is a support for this. They cannot do the work for you, but they can help you understand the value and purpose of putting in the work. Sometimes, all a person needs to know is that someone understands their situation and is there to help when needed. A good coach is exactly that help.


Choose me...I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET YOU :-)

High School Chemistry

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Hi There! Coaching is important to me for a number of reasons.

1) I believe we all become better when we share ideas. I believe we all can be strong on our own, but we can be STRONGER together!

2) I believe, in the beginning, we all need guidance, and who better to ask than those who have been around for a while? Use and borrow ideas from those that came before you, no need to reinvent the wheel. And…

3) Teaching is important work and we need as many good teachers as we can get I believe that veteran teachers need to help foster and support new teachers to help keep them around 😀.

My Approach to Motivation

I will always try to see how I can help you by sharing some of my past experiences. If possible, I would sure like to help make your first years better and easier, if possible. There will be challenges and I will be there for you in a supportive and positive way!


I am outgoing, enthusiastic, empathetic, and a solution-focused colleague, mentor and coach.

Middle School

Why Coaching is Important to Me

In my opinion, coaching is one of the most important aspects of education. In addition to increasing student achievement, coaching can help teachers grow professionally through reflection. Through engagement with one another, we can foster new teaching techniques and strategies to improve student achievement. Our collaboration also allows us to further develop our skills and knowledge while keeping the student's best interests at the forefront. In order to improve student achievement, I am always eager to research new methodologies, share ideas, and collaborate with colleagues. It is through collaboration that educators can continuously learn from each other and hone their own skills. The key to attracting and retaining high-quality teachers is to create a safe, collaborative environment where all teachers feel valued, heard, and respected, where we can learn from each other and work as a team while focusing on student achievement and celebrating each other throughout it. I am a firm believer that when teachers have a strong network of support and that support includes colleagues that are “in the trenches” with them, they will feel as though they can accomplish anything.

My Approach to Motivation

I believe as educators, one way that we are motivated is through celebration. Teaching can be difficult at times, but I believe that there are always positive events that can be reflected upon and celebrations that can be shared. When working with a new teacher, one that I might not already know very well, it would be important to always find the positives and the celebrations first. Secondly, I will ensure that collaboration is done in a safe and supportive environment where everyone feels welcome, and validated and that they matter. I also focus on setting clear, short-term goals, which would lend themselves to more positive outcomes and celebrations when reached. It’s also important to stay solution-focused with a growth mindset. Just as we want our students to focus on a growth mindset, we as educators and coaches must do the same. When we stumble, we just have to see those as opportunities for growth rather than failure. Lastly, I believe I motivate my colleagues through modeling and leading by example. I am very committed to student and colleague success and am very enthusiastic about helping all individuals be successful.


Social Studies


I am outgoing, enthusiastic, empathetic, and a solution-focused colleague, mentor and coach.

Middle School

Why Coaching is Important to Me

In my opinion, coaching is one of the most important aspects of education. In addition to increasing student achievement, coaching can help teachers grow professionally through reflection. Through engagement with one another, we can foster new teaching techniques and strategies to improve student achievement. Our collaboration also allows us to further develop our skills and knowledge while keeping the student's best interests at the forefront. In order to improve student achievement, I am always eager to research new methodologies, share ideas, and collaborate with colleagues. It is through collaboration that educators can continuously learn from each other and hone their own skills. The key to attracting and retaining high-quality teachers is to create a safe, collaborative environment where all teachers feel valued, heard, and respected, where we can learn from each other and work as a team while focusing on student achievement and celebrating each other throughout it. I am a firm believer that when teachers have a strong network of support and that support includes colleagues that are “in the trenches” with them, they will feel as though they can accomplish anything.

My Approach to Motivation

I believe as educators, one way that we are motivated is through celebration. Teaching can be difficult at times, but I believe that there are always positive events that can be reflected upon and celebrations that can be shared. When working with a new teacher, one that I might not already know very well, it would be important to always find the positives and the celebrations first. Secondly, I will ensure that collaboration is done in a safe and supportive environment where everyone feels welcome, and validated and that they matter. I also focus on setting clear, short-term goals, which would lend themselves to more positive outcomes and celebrations when reached. It’s also important to stay solution-focused with a growth mindset. Just as we want our students to focus on a growth mindset, we as educators and coaches must do the same. When we stumble, we just have to see those as opportunities for growth rather than failure. Lastly, I believe I motivate my colleagues through modeling and leading by example. I am very committed to student and colleague success and am very enthusiastic about helping all individuals be successful.


Kids don't care about what you know until they know you care.

High School

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Coaching is important to me because I wanted more support when I was a new teacher. I remember it was the math teacher who was a 10-year veteran down the hall from me who made my first year better. He wasn't even a coach, but he would pop his head in my room and check in on me or just tell me he was happy I was there. I’ll never forget the grind of my first year teaching; the early mornings, the lesson planning, and feeling overwhelmed. My first year I was working so hard and I remember thinking “Am I doing this right?” I remember wishing somebody would just give me some tips or pointers or listen to a problem I had. Our profession needs great teachers because our students deserve great teachers. The first year is crucial because our new teachers need to feel comfortable enough to ask questions and learn and grow as much as possible. Our new teachers need to know that they picked the right profession and that they should be proud of the work they’re doing.

My Approach to Motivation

I think everyone is motivated differently. And I don’t even know if motivation is what a first-year teacher needs. In my first year, nobody was more motivated than me! I was READY to do some teaching. What I needed was some guidance on how to best accomplish what I was doing. I also just needed assurance that I was doing okay. Teaching is one of those professions where you don’t see the fruits of your labor immediately. You’ll put so much effort and care into a student or a group of students and (even with test data) you don’t know if it worked. It’s like if a runner was really motivated to run but the race never ended; it was just a continuous circle. For teachers, our work never really ends. So for me, just having someone who has been teaching tell me that I was doing it right would have been motivation to continue to push on despite the lack of results. But I think if I were to answer this question straight up I’d say I approach motivating my students and other teachers by first listening.


World Languages


I love helping others by listening, providing guidance when asked, and being supportive.

High School Spanish

Why Coaching is Important to Me

I have been coaching for 2 years now and I love it. I think it is very important to build relationships with my mentees. I want the mentees to know that they have a safe place to come to for support. I also love the idea of sharing ideas and strategies with my mentees. I am a 26-year veteran of the classroom. I love talking about things that have worked with my students and hearing about what has worked for them in their classes.

My Approach to Motivation

I am an enthusiastic and organized individual. I am positive and have a growth mindset when working with my mentees. I listen to my mentees and offer my years of experience to them if they feel they need it. I believe in keeping an eye on the prize.


I am an enthusiastic support. listener. mentor. and collaborative partner with old and new ideas, including technology. 

Elementary/Middle/High School French

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Coaching is important as we need to mentor and support our new educators. We should share our successes and skills as well as failures so they can learn from our mistakes. But, sometimes, like parenting, you have to know when to not train and to let practice. I think coaching would be a great experience to help shape a younger generation of language teachers to find their footholds in the profession and gain confidence, hone skills, build teacher toolboxes, and implement and improve teacher instructional moves. I had great mentors and coaches in my career and I'm ready to start giving back and paying forward what was bestowed upon me.

My Approach to Motivation

Motivation can be external or internal. I think my answer is to cognitively coach or to ask questions, process through, partner alongside, and guide or provide resources. Truly, we each have to want to do something to make lasting changes; otherwise, it is for short-term gain only. I think I would shower a new teacher with positivity and understanding/empathy. I would acknowledge icky stuff and sucky feelings. I would then ask them what they think they can do about it. What are the choices you have from here? What consequences/ramifications if you choose them? What steps towards your goals? Hopefully, that would get them motivated to create systems for success, manage their own teacher energy, provide feedback to students, and creative instruction.


ESL: English as a Second Language


I am an enthusiastic support. listener. mentor. and collaborative partner with old and new ideas, including technology. 

Elementary/Middle/High School

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Coaching is important as we need to mentor and support our new educators. We should share our successes and skills as well as failures so they can learn from our mistakes. But, sometimes, like parenting, you have to know when to not train and to let practice. I think coaching would be a great experience to help shape a younger generation of language teachers to find their footholds in the profession and gain confidence, hone skills, build teacher toolboxes, and implement and improve teacher instructional moves. I had great mentors and coaches in my career and I'm ready to start giving back and paying forward what was bestowed upon me.

My Approach to Motivation

Motivation can be external or internal. I think my answer is to cognitively coach or to ask questions, process through, partner alongside, and guide or provide resources. Truly, we each have to want to do something to make lasting changes; otherwise, it is for short-term gain only. I think I would shower a new teacher with positivity and understanding/empathy. I would acknowledge icky stuff and sucky feelings. I would then ask them what they think they can do about it. What are the choices you have from here? What consequences/ramifications if you choose them? What steps towards your goals? Hopefully, that would get them motivated to create systems for success, manage their own teacher energy, provide feedback to students, and creative instruction.





Elementary/Middle/High School

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Coaching is important to me because I want to offer support to new teachers that I never had. I have taught music to students between ages 0-85 in daycare, preschool, elementary, middle, high school, college, and in adult years in different buildings with students of all ethnicities and backgrounds. Teaching is hard, especially in the beginning. I know ways to help make teaching easier, teaching quality content. Beginning teachers in this program want to be better and I want to help encourage that.

My Approach to Motivation

I approach motivation as a coach by providing undivided attention and perspective through 23 years of teaching experience with ages 0-5, elementary, middle school, and high school band, as well as through my music studio to work through scenarios that include students, parents, co-workers and administrators with practical and emotional support.




Enthusiastic and ready to help!

Elementary/Middle/High School

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Coaching a new Art Teacher is important to me because Art is a crazy subject—necessary for a healthy, cultured, vibrant school.  Whoever is lucky enough to take on this challenge, needs more than the “standard new-teacher support.”  This magical position comes with everything they don’t teach you in college: how to load a kiln, how to work with a student who can’t physically hold a brush, how to order supplies you’ve never used before, what to do when a teenager comes sobbing to you before their own parents, etc.  I pride myself on establishing positive relationships with all of the staff in my K-12 building, especially the new teachers, knowing how overwhelming each school year can be.  I am so grateful to all the veteran Art Teachers who guided me in my beginning years, and I want to give back.

My Approach to Motivation

I think balance is the most important aspect of approaching motivation as a coach. A new teacher might need help with supplies, assistance with co-teaching, solutions for space issues, or just someone who can listen. I imagine the needs will vary from week to week and I want to be flexible as that process is so fluid. Teaching can be an intensely difficult job. But there are so many rewarding moments of inspiration, creativity, and laughter! Those things are easy to forget when you feel like you are drowning in assessment and behavior management. I hope that, if chosen, I am able to support the new teacher in whatever particular way is needed—just someone to help lighten the load and to be a reminder of all the positive work they are doing.


Before being a mentor, I realized I must place myself in the position of the student/ learner first.

High School

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Coaching is important to me as it has played an integral role in my own professional development as a teacher. However, as I advance my career, I also find myself in various positions where I am informally coaching my colleagues by sharing insight and advice or lending a listening ear. An educator’s main purpose is to educate and nurture their students, yet teachers also must meet the needs of parents, administration, and often even the community. These responsibilities, which often come with mixed perspectives and expectations, can be an enormous burden on a teacher. Coaching is important as it can help teachers examine these perspectives and responsibilities while proactively offering a variety of solutions. Furthermore, my content area of visual art is extremely unique in the world of education. An educational coach with a visual arts background will have more meaningful experience and knowledge to share with a new visual arts educator. I will continue to look forward to inviting others to coach me throughout my career but I also look forward to having the opportunity to coach others as they begin theirs.

My Approach to Motivation

For me personally, my students are a large motivation factor. I show up each day for the student who gets bullied but knows they are safe in my room. I am motivated to be a teacher to help students who had a difficult childhood express their emotions through art. I am excited to start each day for the athletic student who wants to try to learn how to paint. And then there is the student who decided last year they want to be an art teacher just like me. They told me they are more motivated to come to school now that they have a plan for their future. That particular student has motivated me to do my best more times than I can count! I am also very excited and motivated as a new generation of educators begin their careers. These new educators have fresh, new perspectives. They understand many of the issues surrounding education today because they lived through these trials as students. Now, as educators, they are armed with proactive, novel solutions to these decade-old issues. As a coach, I look forward to collaborating with new educators to continue to evolve the world of education.


I'm honest and supportive.


Elementary/Middle/High School

Why Coaching is Important to Me

I enjoy speaking with pre-service and current teachers about teaching, and problem-solving issues in the classroom. Having these conversations about teaching helps both parties reflect on their own practice, and try new things. It is important for new teachers to have mentors in their field to discuss subject-specific issues. As art teachers, we are often the only ones in our buildings. Mentoring relationships benefit both of us.

My Approach to Motivation

I tend to ask a lot of questions to get the conversation going. Then I prefer the mentee to lead the conversation. What do you want to talk about? What do you need? Concerns? I try to give my honest thoughts and tell a lot of stories from my classroom. I’ve been teaching for a long time. Sometimes it’s gone well, sometimes it doesn’t. The point is to continually work to meet the needs of our students. I try to help my student teachers become reflective in their practice with an eye toward improving student learning.


If you can't be you, how can you help someone else be them?

Middle/High School

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Now more than ever, teachers entering our profession for the first time need all the assistance we can provide them. In 15 years of teaching, I have been a part of many changes within our buildings, district, and community. The diversity of my experiences has given me a chance to persevere through a wide range of initiatives and challenges. I believe deeply in the power of education to develop the potential of our young people, and those willing to devote themselves to that effort deserve to be supported. Our students deserve a quality experience in their educational lives and our teachers are the keys to making that possible.

My Approach to Motivation

As a teacher of advanced learners, it is my professional opinion that talent tends to manifest in 3 primary ways: ability, creativity, and motivation. Based on my own experiences working with students, I have found that only motivation seems to help develop the other two. It is the role of a coach to recognize and foster the potential in those they work with. When you learn how to motivate others, you give them a tool that they can use to build themselves into the person they want to be. A coach is a support for this. They cannot do the work for you, but they can help you understand the value and purpose of putting in the work. Sometimes, all a person needs to know is that someone understands their situation and is there to help when needed. A good coach is exactly that help.


Industrial Technology


A dedicated experienced educator looking to support new teachers as they begin their career

High School

Why Coaching is Important to Me

As I entered the educational profession I struggled to find resources to assist me with instructional strategies, lesson planning, and classroom management. I know that many new industrial technology instructors may be the only people teaching our content in their schools and potentially within their districts. I've taught an eclectic mix of courses including; pre-engineering, CAD design, architecture, robotics, building trades, and automotive technology. My goal is to help maintain and grow the number of quality professionals entering our field in any way I can. I am near the halfway point in my career and want to give back to the profession in general. Hopefully, I can provide experience-based advice and instructional resources from my time in the classroom.

My Approach to Motivation

As a coach, my goal is not to enable the new teacher, but to provide resources and upon request advice based on my 17 years in the profession. Industrial technology classes are often taught in a range of instructional settings from the traditional classroom to very content-specific lab environments. Helping new instructors find the right mixture of teaching strategies that fit their teaching load and unique personality is a major priority of mine as a mentor. I often find that what results in collaborating with other content-specific instructors is professional growth in all participating parties. The experience improves instructional strategies, and teaching methods, and often opens even seasoned educational minds to new opportunities and directions.


TAG: Talented & Gifted


If you can't be you, how can you help someone else be them?

Middle/High School

Why Coaching is Important to Me

Now more than ever, teachers entering our profession for the first time need all the assistance we can provide them. In 15 years of teaching, I have been a part of many changes within our buildings, district, and community. The diversity of my experiences has given me a chance to persevere through a wide range of initiatives and challenges. I believe deeply in the power of education to develop the potential of our young people, and those willing to devote themselves to that effort deserve to be supported. Our students deserve a quality experience in their educational lives and our teachers are the keys to making that possible.

My Approach to Motivation

As a teacher of advanced learners, it is my professional opinion that talent tends to manifest in 3 primary ways: ability, creativity, and motivation. Based on my own experiences working with students, I have found that only motivation seems to help develop the other two. It is the role of a coach to recognize and foster the potential in those they work with. When you learn how to motivate others, you give them a tool that they can use to build themselves into the person they want to be. A coach is a support for this. They cannot do the work for you, but they can help you understand the value and purpose of putting in the work. Sometimes, all a person needs to know is that someone understands their situation and is there to help when needed. A good coach is exactly that help.