What We Learned in Year 1 of the Pilot - and What Comes Next
This summer marks a big milestone for ELP: We are halfway through our two-year pilot test. We have much to learn and more to do, but feedback from New Teachers, Building Mentors, Virtual Instructional Coaches, local association presidents, and school administrators show we are onto something.

ELP Pilot Update: Successes, Lessons Learned and What’s Next
Despite the numerous and well-documented hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many silver linings emerged in unexpected places. For Mary Jane Morris, Program Director for the Illinois Virtual Instructional Coach and Building Mentor Program for the Illinois Education Association, it was the opportunity to launch and help refine ELP’s virtual coaching and mentoring model.

Valuable Lessons Learned from the ELP Pilot-Before-the-Pilot
Despite the numerous and well-documented hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many silver linings emerged in unexpected places. For Mary Jane Morris, Program Director for the Illinois Virtual Instructional Coach and Building Mentor Program for the Illinois Education Association, it was the opportunity to launch and help refine ELP’s virtual coaching and mentoring model.