Professional support for New Teachers
ELP believes teachers are more effective and committed when they are empowered to succeed in their work. Our pilot program is testing our theory of the best way to help new teachers be stronger and last longer.
On-site Mentoring
+ Community
Our model pairs New Teachers with experienced teachers in their schools who can provide guidance and encouragement. Building Mentors will help form a local community of new teachers to share experiences and best practices.
Virtual Instructional Coaching
New Teachers also receive virtual coaching from a professional who can provide guidance on teaching methods and practices directly related to their subject matter. Virtual Instructional Coaches will use research-based teaching practice frameworks for Teaching online curriculum, a series of modules made available to ELP participants.
Collaboration Agreement
There is no cost to school districts participating in the pilot program.
To ensure a successful pilot evaluation, school districts must commit time and support for participating teachers, and they must partner with ELP and participating state education associations.
Pilot Evaluation
The ELP Pilot Program launched in August 2021. After two years, the ELP team and our partners will evaluate the model’s success and measure whether or not new teachers who participated in the program grew their skills and stayed in the profession longer than their peers who did not.

Addressing teacher overwhelm
Teacher retention has plagued the education community for decades; the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated teacher burnout and feelings of overwhelm. New Teachers clearly need additional support, coaching, and training to be effective and remain in the profession.
Beyond supporting New Teachers, early feedback from our pilot program shows that participating coaches and mentors are also benefiting from the career development and leadership opportunities ELP provides.
The ELP Pilot Program was launched in August 2021
It will run through the 21-22 and 22-23 school years.
Recruitment for interested school districts
Virtual Instructional Coaches applications open
School districts are selected
Participants New Teachers and Building Mentors are announced
Pilot begins
Program Overview
Logic Model
Talking Points